Sunday, August 30, 2009


Finally, this holiday be funner. Why? Cause my bro call me go out watch movie(G.I Joe). Then I havent answer him, he already closed his phone. So I do nothing! Just wear some nice cloth and wait him fetch me. But, what most funny is before going out with my bro, some of my friends call me out. But that time I pushed all invitation. I just invert my memories: If I go out yesterday, today can't not go out anymore! HaHaHa!!! Soo lucky.Before in the cinema, we go to OLD TASTE have our lunch, then my bro mum say a funny joke to me (secret!). Later when before the flim start, got a talent, what is about the talent? Lol!!! It like a sex flim I had never seem in all the cinema!!!! I think if this movie really coming out, I 100% sure many man sure will go watch! HaHaHa!! At night, I and family go to a Malay's restaurant have our dinner, I really mad at there cause a stupid Malay's kid( I prefer call them "BABI") [SORRY FOR MALAY'S READER] the throw the small 'boom' in front of me!!!! I really want go scold him, but my father say COOL DOWN! Then I no mood eat anymore! My whole day HAPPY mood END here!!! Stupid kid!!!!!


传说中的阿康 said...

no wonder ur mood is so easy disturb by only a kid= =

always happy la..just a small case only= =

i want go out oso cant T_T

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